Winter in Indiana is known for a season of broken garage door springs.
Each garage door spring is engineered for about 10000 cycles. We use our garage door at least twice a day (2 cycles), in reality this number is closer to 4 cycles.
If you do quick math assuming 4 cycles per day, you will get the number of years that spring should last, which is about 7 years. Add freezing temperatures into the mix and realistic life expectation of a spring drops to about 5 years if not less.
Bottom line:
if your garage door spring is about 5 years old, don’t wait for it to break, replace it proactively to avoid unpleasant surprises.

How Long Do Garage Door Springs Last?
Garage Door Pro
We provide expert advice and services for all of your garage door repair installation and maintenance needs. Whether you are trying to decide between garage door maintenance and buying a brand new garage door, we can help you understand your options and give you the best solution for your needs, budget, and style. Veteran-Led and insured business.