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Garage and Garage Door Accessories: Adding Value and Utility to Your Home

Garage Door Pro LLC
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Garage Door Accessories: Adding Value and Utility to Your Home

Making the most of your garage requires that you do more than just install a garage door that ties in with your home’s overall aesthetic, and that you make use of the interior space available. Whether you choose to park within your garage or use the area for storage, for home business needs, or for crafting, there are plenty of garage and garage door accessories out there that can help to add value and utility. What are some of the options that you should know about? Below, we’ll run through some of those that offer the most bang for your buck.

Garage Door Opener

We’ll start with the garage door opener. If you do not yet have one installed, and you use your garage regularly, you’ll find that an automatic opener can add a lot of value and make it much, much easier to get into and out of your garage. Even if you don’t park in the garage regularly, an opener can be a very wise investment.

Wi-Fi Operability: Many newer garage door openers come with Wi-Fi capabilities. You can tie into your home’s wireless Internet network and access the garage door opener from your smartphone or tablet, from anywhere that you have Internet access. That allows you to do away with the pesky garage door remote, but it can also allow you to close the door from the office if you realize that you didn’t close it when you left. It can allow you to open or close the door from any remote location in the world.

Keypad Entry for the Side Door

Getting into and out of the garage doesn’t always require going through the garage door itself. Most homes also have a side door that gives access to the garage. While it might be less frequently used than other doors in the home, it can be an important access point, and it can also be a source of security worries.

For instance, if your child usually uses that door to enter the home after school, what happens if they misplace the key? Adding a keyless entry system (keypad lock) to the door can increase your security and peace of mind. It also means having to carry one less key on your keyring.


How much thought do you give to the lighting in your garage? If you’re like most people, you don’t really think about it very often. However, you should. The right lighting in and around your garage can offer a range of benefits, from better productivity to improved security.

For instance, you could opt to install fluorescent lights in the garage that illuminate the entire area better than those two incandescent bulbs ever did. You can also add task lighting on workbenches and the like if you use the garage for crafting. You can choose to add spotlights or floodlights to the exterior of the garage – tying them into motion detectors gives you an automatic theft deterrent.

Upgraded Garage Door Hardware

Over time, you might find that you want to change the way that garage door looks. You can do this relatively easily with higher-end hardware. For instance, you’ll find a range of upgraded hinges on the market that allow you to change the look of your garage, as well as accent pieces that can be installed to help you change the aesthetic of your door. This is actually a very broad category, and includes things like higher quality gaskets on the top, bottom and sides of the door, door thresholds, upgraded handles, and more.

Garage Door Screens

If you regularly use your garage with the door open, you know that the space is a magnet for insects. Mosquitos, flies, moths and many other insects can invade your space and make it almost unusable. There is a solution to the issue that doesn’t involve keeping the door closed. You can install a garage door screen. There are two primary types on the market – fold up and roll up.

Fold Up: These are screen doors built with rigid frames. They attach to the inside of the main garage door, and when it is in the up position, can be folded down to fit in the entryway. Note that these are the more expensive of the two options.

Roll Up/Hanging: Roll up/hanging screens install just above the garage door in the empty space over the entry way. When the door is up, you can unroll the soft, screen material, and allow it to hang in place. Weights at the bottom of the screen sections help keep it in place.

Upgraded Garage Door Springs

Your garage door opening system is vital to the usability you enjoy. However, it will eventually wear out. Lower-end springs usually have a lifespan of about 10,000 uses. That might seem like a lot, but it’s really not that much. For instance, if you were to open and close your garage door just four times per day (two entrances and two exits – one per car), you would only get about 2,500 days of use. Upgraded springs can double that lifespan.

Laser Parking Assistant

Do you use your garage for parking your car? If so, you know how hard it can be to get your vehicle lined up correctly. It’s even more challenging if you have a two-car garage. In the past, you could get a bit more accurate by using a ball suspended by a string over the center of your parking spot, but that’s low-tech and not all that accurate. A laser parking assistant mounts to the ceiling of the garage and can help you park with pinpoint precision.

As you can see, there are plenty of garage and garage door accessories on the market that can help you get more out of the space. From lighting to keyless entry systems to parking assistants, there’s a solution to just about any need.


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We provide expert advice and services for all of your garage door repair installation and maintenance needs. Whether you are trying to decide between garage door maintenance and buying a brand new garage door, we can help you understand your options and give you the best solution for your needs, budget, and style. Veteran-Led and insured business.

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Our commitment to providing the best garage door repair and installation services to all our customers is summed up in our same-day service guarantee. It highlights our reliability and our position as a leader in the garage door service industry. Garage Door Pro’s brand of excellence is best displayed in our speed and reliability!